Blog List

01 June

Augmented reality, often abbreviated as AR, is a kind of virtual reality (VR) which allows user to view an environmental scene and a holographic scene, generating a combination of both but with augmented (additional) information. It is different from...

01 June

In today’s time, the whole world is facing the COVID-19 pandemic. The lockdown has been implemented in various countries and people are working from home as moving out of the house is not an option. Slowly, all the things are getting back to no...

01 June

Are you still stuck between which careers to choose? Oh, do you have a passion for engineering or is it just the peer pressure to crack JEE?  How challenging it is to find the exact career you are passionate about?  Don’t hurry! Right...

01 June

“People who wish to go into the future should have two skills to succeed – the ability to deal with people and the ability to sell.” – Shiv Khera, author There is no falsehood in the fact that competition in the job ...

01 June

COVID-19: How smart classrooms are transforming India’s education system? India nowadays is regarded to be one of the world’s top education destinations with some of the best colleges and universities providing all types of courses and...
