“The challenge of life, I have found, is to build a resume that doesn’t simply tell a story about what you want to be, but it’s a story about who you want to be.”
Oprah Winfrey
In today’s world where there is cut-throat competition in the job sector, securing a position in a high ranking company is not an easy task. You need to market yourself well, and the way to do that is by creating a powerful resume. “A resume is a one- or two-page formal document that job hopefuls submit to hiring managers and employment recruiters as a means of itemizing their work experience, educational background, and special skills”. In simpler terms, a resume is a summary of your skills and professional experiences and educational accomplishments. It is your representative in front of your employers and serves the motive of making you professionally more desirable.
So what are the steps a fresher should take to write a compelling and successful resume if you are a fresher?
“No one creates a perfect resume on their first try. Writing a perfect resume is a messy process, but the easiest way to start is by simply getting in the right mindset and putting pen to paper.”
― Matthew T. Cross, The Resume Design Book: How to Write a Resume in College & Influence Employers to Hire You
There is no need to worry or panic if you have zero or little work experience and are a fresher. Here are some steps through which you can easily build a powerful resume:
- Correct Format
As there are various formats available online for resume, finding the right one can be a bit of a tedious task. While most of the candidates create resumes based on chronological order which generally focuses on work experience, freshers need to have a different style for their format.
The other two types are Functional type and combinational type.
Functional type is generally used when a candidate does not have a whole lot of experience or matter to put into their resumes.
On the other hand combinational type of resume is, as the name suggests, a combination of both chronological and functional type of resume.
You can choose either combinational or functional type as per your suiting,
- Use impressive and effective headings
The use of good and correct headlines will create an impact on the employer’s mind, making a good impression. As this is the part where employers will judge you need to make it short and crisp and make it as impressive as possible. Use some keywords but try to avoid using generic soft skills.
Here is a sample via firstnaukri.com: “B. Tech. in Computer Science. Fine working knowledge of C++, PHP, and Java. Possess excellent communication skills and technical skills that can ensure smooth operations in any organization.”
- Use the correct font
While writing your resume the first thing that should come to your mind is its typography. The use of correct font and size is really important for a resume as it will make the resume easy to read. Use fonts like Arial, Calibri, and Times New Roman. The ideal size o keep is 12 as it is easier to read, and is neither too big nor too small. Avoid writing in a paragraph and use bullets to make points, so that it doesn’t look clustered.
- Avoid making mistakes
Be formal and polite. Avoid making mistakes while using phrases and use correct grammar without errors. Avoid adding pictures, writing about your hobbies, and adding an expected salary amount.
- Highlight your expertise
Add any possible certificate, work experience related to that field, accomplishments that you have. Include things like internships, volunteering works that you might have done, and the awards you might have received. Try to highlight your assets and your area of expertise. For example, if you are a writer try to reflect through your resume without trying too hard.
- Proofreading
Before finalizing, proofread your resume in front of your family and friends or do it yourself. It will ensure that there are no mistakes left in your resume. Also, try to make it as professional as possible. Avoid using bright colors and go for subtler ones. Use a professional layout.
“Take the path less traveled and learn from your mistakes. Don’t just let life happen around you; control your future. Learn to ask questions, set small goals, and dream of big ones. Absorb any criticism and let it fuel you. Convince others that you are worthy of your dream, and show them that you are willing to put up a damn good fight for it.”
― Matthew T. Cross, The Resume Design Book: How to Write a Resume in College & Influence Employers to Hire You [Color Edition]
We are all living hectic lives where proper time management is a luxury for many people. Everyone around us is running constantly after something they want and hence taking out time for themselves, their families, and friends seems to be a bit more of a difficult task than one would expect. Keeping yourselves ahead of the clock and reaching places on time is what most people fail to do. Due to this, they might miss out on opportunities that were coming their way.
“Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!”
Anthony Robbins
Proper time management has the following benefits:
- Greater productivity and efficiency
- A better professional reputation
- Increased opportunities for advancement
- Greater opportunities to achieve important life and career goals
Via: smartsheet. com
So what are the ways through which we can efficiently manage time?
- Make a schedule and stick to it
Plan what you want to do throughout the day or the week, in advance, and stick with the plan. Make a to-do list and make your goals attainable and practical. Focus on the essentials and make a list of those tasks which require your immediate attention. Leave the less important ones for later. Try to create a realistic deadline and jot it down somewhere to create a visual cue so that it helps you in feeling the urgency of the tasks.
- Avoid procrastination
Try to reduce it as much as possible. Procrastination not only wastes your time and energy but also reduces your productivity. If it can be done today do it today, avoid waiting till the last minute to finish any task. Last-minute works lack professionalism and perfection. Try to stay away from distractions such as television, social media, etc. as much as you can.
- Avoid multitasking
People seem to be in a delusion that they can get a lot of work done through multitasking, which in most cases is not true. Multitasking reduces productivity and efficiency, instead take up one task at a time and complete it. Also take small breaks in between tasks, as it will help in stress management. During breaks, you can exercise, go outside, meditate, listen to music, or do whatever you feel comfortable doing.
- Learn to say no
Set up boundaries when necessary. Inform your family and friends that you aren’t available. Try to say no to additional tasks if you feel like you are already overloaded with work. Avoid unnecessary meetings, emails, and messages. Focus on your prime task and finish it first, the rest of the things can wait.
These are some of the ways through which you can effectively manage time. Always remember:
“Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment. That is what’s real.”
Sara Paddison