Avoiding Stereotypes With A Gender – Neutral Approach
Written By-
Shreya Singh
We are doubtlessly living in an extremely fast-paced world where uncertainty and change are constant. Evolution, the industrial revolution, the abolition of various futile and superstitious activities, changes in the whole notion of religion because of its very significant clash with scientific theories and also change in the pertaining natural human behavior, etc. But here the question arises if this change adheres to all basic life spheres? A huge NO hits me in the blink of an eye since the ever prevailing gender-based stereotypes and the distinct societal norms related to it strike the door of my clouded mind.
Gender stereotypes are ‘generalizations about what men and women are originally like’ and also inbuilt beliefs about men, women, and their very characteristics.
In my eyes, these gender stereotypical ideas primitively arise from the discorded bifurcation of men and women into presumed social and professional roles, i.e. both at home and at work. These stereotypes are embedded in the society for infinite years now, to which foremost, the naïve and indecisive children fall prey. Due to these unjust ideologies being infused in tiny fellow minds, either through their respective parents or through the plastic media, children eventually learn to behave in a certain gender-based prescribed way. This negatively harms their self-image and their usual interactions with others as well as their very selves.
Different countries, their cultures, and some precise words and phrases used in their languages also play a significant role in infusing stereotypical notions. The fundamental responsibilities, as well as the authentic human nature of an individual, is then judged through a perspective garbed in the flawed design revolving around the gender stereotypes. It enables the development of a person’s mindset and behavior according to the gender it’s told that it has been assigned by birth and not in turn according to the gender that the individual thinks he actually belongs to. Also, not to forget how gender stereotypes lead to gender inequality which soon exhibits itself as the rudimentary ‘sexism.’ I believe the whole striving towards feminism today shouldn’t be about proving women equal to men, because factually they aren’t, (keeping in mind how all genders are equal on the cerebral level but not physically) rather it should only be a fight against getting equal rights, opportunities and not remaining bereft of equal benefits in the society.
‘Still failing at fairness’, an impressive piece of work by authors namely David Sadker and Karen Zittlleman, also talks thoroughly about gender biases and stereotypes.
Herein, I would like to list various attributes and presumed expectations related to both the genders being discussed. To start with, let’s deem how the male gender is associated with qualities like agentic, assertive, aggressive, necessarily independent, decisive, intellectual and usually emotionally unavailable whereas the female gender is assumed in advance to be emotional, sensitive, dependent, emphatic, indecisive and also not that pragmatic and intellectual.
The mental health of mainly the male gender is also unintentionally ignored due to the pre-assumed notion of them being strong inside out, which leads to a lot of mental pressure on this gender.
Also, how men are necessarily surmised to be very work-oriented and the bread-earners of their families, whereas women are usually thought of a gender who might mostly be into domestic work (bread-makers) and be more home and family-oriented than a man is. Even the minute details like makeup, hairstyle, words, clothes, footwear, accessories, etc. are normally overlooked with a gender-specific viewpoint, the whole concept of which is distorted at a high magnitude.
The term ‘gender roles’ was coined by a renowned sexologist and psychologist John Money in the year 1955. Media, family environment, and societal standards are the most significant factors leading to these gender roles. The theory of gender neutrality should be adopted to eradicate the same.
According to studies, 33 percent of the transgender community and gender-fluid people face adverse impacts of gender stereotypes on a magnified scale, which in turn affects their quality of life.
Gender neutrality is an approach that promulgates ideas ‘suitable or common for both men and women’ and wherein ‘no word or expression can be taken to or referred to one gender only’.
To efficiently adopt this neutral attitude, measures such as the use of gender-neutral language (‘linguistic prescriptivism to avoid stereotype’), gender-neutral clothing, no gender-specific job titles, etc. must be imbibed. Also, to completely curb the issue, one must speak up against, challenge, and defy gender biases whenever encountered and also try to involve both genders in maximum tasks. This is the ultimate need of the hour for a better world to live in.
Towards the end of this elaborate description of gender stereotypes and adopting a gender-neutral approach, I would just like to throw some light on how things will transform for the best in case this very topic and these measures are taken solemnly.
It will be great to see the declining gender pay gap, upliftment in the standard of living of both the genders, a harmonious environment at homes and also at the workplace, and an overall better, easy, and smooth life for all, irrespective of gender identity.
The Supreme Court clearing the permanent commission command roles for women officers in the Indian army and intensive attention that is being projected towards male mental health in the recent years are effective steps towards the goal accomplishment of gender neutrality.
Thank you.